

興奮・ヤッター! 6年生外国語の授業

6年生の授業では、ターゲットフレーズの"Where do you want to go?" "I want to go to Australia."を使ってジャンケンスプリットというフィリピンのゲームをしました。ジャンケンに負けて足が裂けそうになって笑いながら悲鳴を上げていました。

Students place their feet in the starting position: right foot in front of the left foot. Students will take turns in asking and answering the question, "Where do you want to go?" Then, they will play janken. Whoever wins will place his/her foot behind his/her other feet making the other player extend his/her leg to reach the winners foot while keeping his/her other foot in place. If the loser can't extend his/her leg anymore, the other player wins. If there is still remaining time, students can play for another round.