

興奮・ヤッター! 6年生外国語の授業


Present the travel brochure in class. They spoke clearly, did eye contact to the audience and smiled. "I want to go to New zealand.New zealand is a great country. You can see Tekapo. You can eat the meat pie......Let's go to New zealand!!! "



興奮・ヤッター! 4年生の外国語活動の様子

文房具の言い方を学びました。カードゲームではペアで"Do you have a pencil?" "Yes,I do./No,I don't."と上手にやり取りができました。

Students learned how to say stationaries. They enjoyed "card game". Choose 6 cards, ask "Do you have a pencil?". If the partner has the card,you can be given the card from him/her.


興奮・ヤッター! 1年生の外国語活動の様子


Let's play "MUKADE"race!! Group yourself into 3,put on the shoe race. Listen to the teacher, and get the colors that she needs,repeat the process until you complete colors of the rainbow.

興奮・ヤッター! 6年生外国語の授業


Let's play the board game!!!Where do you want to go? I want to go to New zealand. New zealand is a wonderful/nice/beautiful/interesting country.

興奮・ヤッター! 5年生外国語の授業

He/She を使って’忍者とお姫様ゲーム’をしました。

Students do "princess" pose if the teacher mentions "girl". Do "ninja" pose if the teacher mentions "boy".


The students are working hard on practicing reading aloud. Many of them even go up on stage to read as example.

興奮・ヤッター! 3年生の外国語活動の様子


Students looked so happy to sing the "fruit juice shake shake"♪


"find someone who"game!!!

Find someone who likes color/animal/food/sports mentioned by the teacher. Once you found someone who likes it,go to the teacher and get 1 sticker.